woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring

Bentley Fazi


In the world of yoga, there are countless teachers who inspire and guide their students on a transformative journey. One such teacher is Bentley Fazi, a yoga instructor and wellness influencer based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Bentley’s journey into yoga began in 2015, and since then, she has become a beacon of love, empowerment, and self-discovery for her students. In this article, we will dive deep into Bentley’s yoga journey, her teaching style, and her words of wisdom that can inspire anyone on their own path to self-realization.

Discovering Yoga: A Spark Ignites

Bentley’s introduction to yoga was anything but ordinary. In 2015, a friend convinced her to attend a 75-minute heated power flow class as her very first yoga experience. Despite feeling drenched and confused, Bentley was intrigued by the practice. She describes it as a spark that was lit inside her, igniting a passion for yoga that would shape the course of her life.

“It was like a spark was lit inside me and I couldn’t wait to go back to experience it all over again.”

Falling in Love with Yoga

After that first class, Bentley fell madly in love with yoga and started attending classes four to five times a week. The practice became a sanctuary for her, a place where she could connect with her body, mind, and spirit. A year and a half later, Bentley made the life-changing decision to quit her job and enroll in yoga teacher training. This pivotal moment set the stage for who she is today – a dedicated yoga teacher committed to helping others discover their own truth.

Embracing Authenticity and Inclusivity

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Bentley understands the importance of inclusivity and embracing one’s authentic self. She integrates her love and desire for all people to live their truth into both her personal practice and her teaching. Bentley’s classes create a safe and welcoming space for individuals of all backgrounds, encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness and find empowerment on and off the mat.

Teacher Highlight: Q+A with Bentley Fazi

To get a deeper insight into Bentley’s teaching style and philosophy, we sat down with her for a Q+A session. Here are some of the highlights:

Q: What’s your favorite self-care practice you can’t live without?

Bentley: My favorite self-care practice that I cannot live without is sunshine! Spending a few minutes outside in the sun each day instantly boosts my mood and energy. Whether it’s taking my dog for a walk or starting my day with a cup of coffee outdoors, connecting with nature is essential for my well-being.

Q: What’s your go-to song or music genre when you teach or practice?

Bentley: I love both quiet, meditative practices and fun, high-energy classes. My playlists are eclectic, featuring a mix of songs, moods, and genres. I choose songs with a good rhythm and beat to help students connect with their bodies and the flow of the practice. From covers of songs to EDM, classic rock, pop, and reggae, my playlists have something for everyone.

Q: What’s your favorite motivational quote?

Bentley: “The answer is always no unless you ask.” This quote reminds me to have the courage to put myself out there, to create a life that makes sense to me, and to take risks even if I fail along the way. It’s about being brave enough to pave my own way and live authentically.

Q: What’s your favorite yoga pose? Least favorite?

Bentley: My favorite yoga pose to practice is Flying Monkey, as it allows me to feel free and expansive. On the other hand, my least favorite pose is Utkasana (Fierce/Chair pose), which challenges me both physically and mentally. But I embrace the discomfort it brings, knowing that growth often comes from stepping outside of our comfort zones.

Bentley’s Unique Teaching Style

Bentley’s classes are a reflection of her vibrant personality and passion for yoga. Each session incorporates elements of patience, acceptance, and creativity. She encourages her students to explore new variations of familiar poses, challenging them to step outside their comfort zones and discover new aspects of their practice. With Bentley as their guide, students can expect a transformative and empowering experience on the mat.

A Journey of Empowerment: Bentley’s Online Classes

Bentley’s online classes on YA Classes are a testament to her dedication to empowering her students. One class, in particular, stands out – “Unexpected: A Yoga Journey with Bentley Fazi.” In this intermediate-level class, Bentley leads students through a juicy slow flow practice, complete with unique variations and unexpected transitions. Throughout the class, she shares a beautiful message of empowerment, encouraging students to embrace the unexpected twists and turns of life with grace and resilience.

Connect with Bentley Fazi

Bentley is not only a yoga teacher but also a proud Pitbull dog mom and advocate. She collaborates with brands like ToeSox and works as the Social Media and Community Manager for Alo. Connect with Bentley on social media to stay updated on her latest classes, workshops, and wellness tips.

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