woman in white shirt sitting on brown and white pillow

Courtney Fox

Yoga is a transformative practice that has the power to touch and change lives. In our YA Classes Teacher Highlight Series, we showcase exceptional instructors who bring their unique expertise and passion to the mat. In this edition, we shine the spotlight on Courtney Fox, a certified yoga instructor based in Arizona. Courtney’s journey in yoga began with a single class in college, and it has since become her life’s purpose to share the benefits of yoga with others.

Courtney Fox: A Passionate Yoga Instructor

Courtney Fox is an Arizona native who is deeply committed to her community. As a 500-hour+ certified yoga instructor through Modern Yoga, she has trained with some of the most experienced professionals in the field. Courtney’s approach to teaching yoga is playful and feel-good, allowing her students to establish a practice that extends beyond the mat and into their daily lives.

Her personal experience as a competitive gymnast has given her a unique perspective on the balance between effort and surrender. Courtney’s background in corporate life led her to make a bold decision in 2015 – to pursue wellness full-time. Since then, she has combined her business acumen with her passion for movement, creating a holistic approach to yoga that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

A Yoga Journey of Self-Discovery

Courtney’s love for yoga began during her college days at ASU. Coming from a competitive gymnastics background, she was drawn to yoga’s acceptance of imperfection. Yoga provided her with a calming effect on her nervous system, gentle on her joints, and a way to clear her mind. Little did she know at the time, but that first yoga class would change her life forever.

Grateful for the transformational power of yoga, Courtney is dedicated to introducing students to the practice in a way that is accessible and enjoyable. Her goal is to empower individuals to not only develop a yoga practice on the mat but also to integrate it into their daily lives, creating a vibrant and healthy lifestyle.

Teaching Yoga: Spreading Joy and Inspiration

Courtney’s passion for teaching extends beyond the studio. She enjoys bringing the community together through yoga classes at various locations in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. Whether it’s at Diamondbacks Stadium, CIVANA Wellness Resort & Spa, the Fashion Square rooftop, festivals, or lululemon, Courtney’s teaching is uplifting and transformative.

In addition to her regular classes, Courtney also hosts yoga and meditation retreats locally and abroad. These retreats provide a unique opportunity for individuals to deepen their practice, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore new cultures. Courtney’s retreats are designed to create a space for personal growth and self-discovery, allowing participants to tap into their inner wisdom and intuition.

“Connect to your intuition to live authentically and be mindful of your self-talk.” – Courtney Fox

Getting to Know Courtney: A Q+A Session

To gain further insight into Courtney’s teaching style and personal preferences, we sat down with her for a Q+A session. Here’s what we discovered:

Favorite Self-Care Practices

Courtney emphasizes the importance of self-care in maintaining overall well-being. She has incorporated several non-negotiable daily practices into her routine, including Gua Sha, red light therapy, yoga practice, drawing intention cards, breathing meditation, hot tub dips, and lavender aromatherapy. Additionally, she cherishes regular massages as a way to release tension and move energy.

The Power of Music in Yoga

Music plays a significant role in Courtney’s yoga classes. She typically selects alternative dance or house music, such as Rufus du Sol, to create a lively and energetic atmosphere. One of her all-time favorite flow songs is Aurelia by Nora En Pure, which sets the perfect vibe for her classes.

Motivational Mantras

Courtney draws inspiration from motivational quotes to uplift and motivate herself and her students. One of her favorite quotes is, “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” by Erin Hanson. This quote serves as a reminder to embrace the unknown and take risks.

Favorite and Least Favorite Yoga Poses

Anjaneyasana, also known as Low Lunge Pose, holds a special place in Courtney’s heart as her favorite yoga pose. It offers numerous benefits, including lengthening the psoas and alleviating low back pain. Courtney recommends incorporating this pose into daily practice to counter the effects of prolonged sitting.

On the other hand, backbends are Courtney’s least favorite yoga poses. Despite her initial resistance, she acknowledges the importance of practicing them regularly and believes that one day they will become her favorites.

Courtney’s Favorite Travel Destination

Costa Rica holds a special place in Courtney’s heart as her favorite travel destination. She hosted her very first yoga and meditation retreat there, surrounded by the lush rainforest and ocean. The experience was nothing short of magical, with surfing lessons, farm-to-table food, and a group of individuals open to transformation.

Embracing Vulnerability: An Embarrassing Moment

Courtney recalls a particularly embarrassing moment at a wedding when she attempted to do a handstand on the dance floor, thinking her dress was tight enough to support the pose. Needless to say, it didn’t go as planned, but she learned to embrace vulnerability and laugh at herself.

Maintaining an Empowered Mindset

Courtney’s #1 piece of advice for maintaining an empowered mindset is to connect with your intuition and live authentically. She encourages individuals to challenge themselves daily, prioritize self-care, and surround themselves with positive and uplifting people. Building positive self-talk through affirmations is also crucial for cultivating a strong and empowered mindset.

Surprising Facts About Courtney

Did you know that Courtney may or may not be the Cold Stone commercial mom? This fun fact adds a touch of whimsy to her personality, showcasing her ability to find joy in unexpected places.

Recommendations from Courtney

Apart from her own classes, Courtney highly recommends Ashton’s Melt class for releasing physical tension and mental stress. She also admires Bentley’s Funky Flow class for its unique and intelligent sequencing.

Connect with Courtney Fox

When Courtney isn’t teaching yoga, she enjoys helping her husband on his food truck and exploring the great outdoors with their puppies Leo and Hunter. Follow her on Instagram @courtney_yoga to stay updated on her latest adventures and insights.

Yoga Classes with Courtney Fox

If you’re ready to experience Courtney’s transformative teaching firsthand, here are some of her popular online yoga classes available on YA Classes:

  • Moon Energy Flow: A 53-minute all-levels class that combines movement with breath, allowing you to flow with the moon’s energy.
  • Twist It Out: A 30-minute intermediate class focused on twisting poses to detoxify and rejuvenate the body.
  • Ladder Flow: A 54-minute intermediate class that incorporates unique transitions and alignment cues.
  • Prep for Splits: A 30-minute intermediate class designed to prepare and practice advanced poses, with a focus on splits.

Courtney’s classes are known for their mindful transitions, insightful alignment cues, and inspiring atmosphere. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, you’ll find something to challenge and uplift you in her classes.

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